Messages of Stillness

Connecting Silence - Messages Of Stillness - album cover

Under the willow tree, gently moving in the wind, are playing two musicians for thee, their spirits covered in silence.

Released by Belgian Neumusik.

Sound is only sound, as long as the music plays, images form in your head, some will dissipate immediately, others will last longer.
For this project photo-artist Bernadette Mergaerts was drafted in, she selected 14 photos to picture the songs, which resulted in a marvellous photo-book, designed by Alain Kinet, that accompanies the double CD.

Messages of Stillness can be heard during the following Bernadette Mergaerts expositions:

5 till10.11.2019 AM Foundation Gallery, 4 rue de Saintonge, 750003 Paris, France, (
6 till 9.12.2019 Atelier, Gachardstraat 72, 1050 Elsene, Brussel

All photos (c) 2019 Bernadette Mergaerts